Use Cases

An end-to-end, secure, interoperable solution from the data layer and integrations, through to the front-end experience for industry participants




Business services


Digital permits

The Challenge

Our customer is a federal agency that manages both the standards and permits for approved medicines in the agricultural sector.  Historically the applications for permits were managed in multiple via manual systems that were not integrated.  Legacy systems were prohibitive to change.  The impact and process automation was a sub-optimal experience for industry participants, unnecessary cost, and inefficient time to approval.

The customer had tried to resolve the challenge with an off-the-shelf product to act as a fully interoperable, automated solution. The project failed to deliver to the expected outcomes.

The Solution

Clear Dynamics is in the process of delivering a solution that:

•       Facilitates complex and numerous (>20) permit application processes, with an intuitive rules engine that navigates the right application, through the right set of questions, for improved customer experience and automation

•       Provides an end-to-end, secure, interoperable solution from the data layer and integrations, through to the front-end experience for industry participants –no more manual handling or duplications

•       Embeds flexibility for future changes, as required by regulation or other agency requirements – and places that flexibility in the hands of the customer to configure.

The Value

Clear Dynamics is in the process of delivering this solution.  The intended value is threefold:

•       Improvement in the experience and overall trust for Industry participants – bringing simplicity and transparency of the end-to-end application process

•       Productivity and cost savings – achieved via a fully interoperable platform that enables digitisation of the process.  No more double-handling across multiple systems.

•       Minimised unit cost of future change – to support future regulatory, policy and operational change requirements.

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